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總合約金額: $121,827,095
1 路政署 $37,834,847 38
2 懲教署 $13,667,520 16
3 康樂及文化事務署 $8,830,415 13
4 發展局 $6,561,767 11
5 環境保護署 $4,529,880 4
6 土木工程拓展署 $4,510,498 5
7 創新科技署 $4,268,692 12
8 效率促進辦公室 $3,679,136 8
9 廉政公署 $3,070,536 3
10 公務員事務局 $2,698,635 6
11 法律援助署 $2,583,200 3
12 民眾安全服務處 $2,560,116 3
13 政府資訊科技總監辦公室 $2,311,098 3
14 教育局 $1,974,864 3
15 衞生署 $1,916,633 5
16 運輸及房屋局 $1,684,224 2
17 屋宇署 $1,671,043 4
18 財經事務及庫務局 $1,559,568 3
19 政府統計處 $1,511,474 4
20 香港警務處 $1,510,290 6
21 政制及內地事務局 $1,330,860 2
22 破產管理署 $1,298,700 2
23 香港海關 $1,245,915 2
24 公務及司法人員薪俸及服務條件諮詢委員會聯合秘書處 $1,093,801 4
25 醫療輔助隊 $953,524 2
26 政府物流服務署 $815,736 1
27 郵政署 $778,932 2
28 政府化驗所 $765,600 2
29 律政司 $674,300 1
30 政府新聞處 $673,302 2
31 社會福利署 $604,680 2
32 公司註冊處 $545,400 1
33 政府飛行服務隊 $429,614 2
34 行政長官辦公室 $351,420 3
35 大學教育資助委員會秘書處 $277,850 1
36 政府檔案處 $244,800 1
37 食物及衞生局 $230,000 2
38 民政事務總署 $228,800 1
39 選舉事務處 $148,800 1
40 勞工及福利局 $120,000 1
41 公務員敍用委員會 $80,625 1
Network Support Services for Highways Department (HyD) (Hy(S)Q/017/2013)
承辦商: Electronic Business Solutions Limited
HKD$1,299,962 (Rank #1)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
System Maintenance and Support of Lotus Domino System for the Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Electronic Business Solutions Limited
HKD$1,297,207 (Rank #2)
批出合約日期: 2012-11-01
System Maintenance and Support for Applications and Systems of Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$1,296,600 (Rank #3)
批出合約日期: 2012-02-01
System Support and Maintenance Services to the Environmental Database Model for Enforcement and Monitoring (ENDMEM) System of EPD
承辦商: FDS Solutions Limited
HKD$1,291,080 (Rank #4)
批出合約日期: 2013-05-01
System Maintenance and Support for Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$1,286,580 (Rank #5)
批出合約日期: 2012-06-01
System Operation Support Services for Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) of Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$1,279,800 (Rank #6)
批出合約日期: 2011-02-01
Network Support Services for Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Electronic Business Solutions Limited
HKD$1,260,012 (Rank #7)
批出合約日期: 2012-05-01
System Maintenance and Support Services for the Correctional Services Department
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$1,256,100 (Rank #8)
批出合約日期: 2010-03-01
Network Support Services for the Urban (HK) Regional Office of Highways Department
承辦商: ESRI China (Hong Kong) Limited
HKD$1,253,520 (Rank #9)
批出合約日期: 2012-08-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Sports Subvention Management System (SSMS) for the LCSD
承辦商: Future Solutions Laboratory Limited
HKD$1,251,140 (Rank #10)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
Network Support Services for the OS Help Desk of Education Bureau (EDB)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$1,251,120 (Rank #11)
批出合約日期: 2012-07-01
Network Support Services for Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Electronic Business Solutions Limited
HKD$1,236,002 (Rank #12)
批出合約日期: 2011-09-01
Computer System Maintenance and Support Services for the Correctional Services Department
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$1,221,000 (Rank #13)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Environmental Database Model for Enforcement and Monitoring (ENDMEM) System of the Environmental Protection Department
承辦商: FDS Solutions Limited
HKD$1,203,000 (Rank #14)
批出合約日期: 2012-04-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$1,199,880 (Rank #15)
批出合約日期: 2012-08-01
System Maintenance and Support for Urban Region of Highways Department
承辦商: ESRI China (Hong Kong) Limited
HKD$1,195,200 (Rank #16)
批出合約日期: 2012-02-01
System Maintenance and Support for the NT Regional Office of Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$1,192,880 (Rank #17)
批出合約日期: 2012-07-01
Provision of Network Support Services for the Civil Aid Service
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$1,183,260 (Rank #18)
批出合約日期: 2012-10-01
Computer System Maintenance and Support for the Correctional Services Department
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$1,170,000 (Rank #19)
批出合約日期: 2012-05-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Contractor- Consultant Management Information System (CCMIS) for the Development Bureau (DEVB)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$1,160,000 (Rank #20)
批出合約日期: 2011-07-01
Network Support Services for the Transport Branch of the Transport and Housing Bureau (THB)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$1,148,928 (Rank #21)
批出合約日期: 2012-02-01
System Maintenance and Support for Urban Region of Highways Department
承辦商: ESRI China (Hong Kong) Limited
HKD$1,148,400 (Rank #22)
批出合約日期: 2010-03-01
System maintenance and support for the Environmental Database Model for Enforcement and Monitoring (ENDMEM) System of the Environmental Protection Department
承辦商: FDS Solutions Limited
HKD$1,145,400 (Rank #23)
批出合約日期: 2010-04-01
System Maintenance and Support Services for the Correctional Services Department (CSD)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$1,132,800 (Rank #24)
批出合約日期: 2011-06-01
System Enhancement, Maintenance and Support of the Supplies Management System (SMS) for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
承辦商: Kinetix Systems Limited
HKD$1,132,250 (Rank #25)
批出合約日期: 2012-07-01
System Maintenance and Support on Case Management and Case Accounting System for the Legal Aid Department (LAD)
承辦商: Future Solutions Laboratory Limited
HKD$1,121,600 (Rank #26)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
System Maintenance and Support and Implementations of enhancement for the Tree Data Bank System of Leisure and Culture Services Department
承辦商: ESRI China (Hong Kong) Limited
HKD$1,115,000 (Rank #27)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
Application Systems Maintenance and Support for the Correctional Services Department (CSD)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$1,106,000 (Rank #28)
批出合約日期: 2011-07-01
Network Support Services for the Highways Department
承辦商: Electronic Business Solutions Limited
HKD$1,104,000 (Rank #29)
批出合約日期: 2009-09-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Highways Department
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$1,098,240 (Rank #30)
批出合約日期: 2010-02-01
Network Support Services for the Highways Department
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$1,098,240 (Rank #31)
批出合約日期: 2010-01-01
Computer System Maintenance and Support for the Correctional Services Department
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$1,080,000 (Rank #32)
批出合約日期: 2011-01-01
System Maintenance & Support of Lotus Domino System for the Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$1,074,528 (Rank #33)
批出合約日期: 2010-11-01
System Maintenance and Support Services for the Operation of WASHMS, Highways Department
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$1,073,520 (Rank #34)
批出合約日期: 2010-02-01
System Maintenance and Support Services for the Correctional Services Department
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$1,070,820 (Rank #35)
批出合約日期: 2012-10-01
Network Support and Maintenance Services of Electronic Transactions Information System (ETIS) and Non-OPS Networks for the Independent Commission Against Corruption
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$1,066,536 (Rank #36)
批出合約日期: 2013-01-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Electronic Business Solutions Limited
HKD$1,050,420 (Rank #37)
批出合約日期: 2013-02-01
Provision of the System Maintenance and Support Services for the Official Receiver's Management Information System (ORMIS) of the ORO
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$1,034,160 (Rank #38)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
System Maintenance and Support for Lighting Division of Highways Department
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$1,020,600 (Rank #39)
批出合約日期: 2013-02-01
Network Support and Maintenance Service of Electronic Transactions Information System (ETIS) and Non-OPS Networks for the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$1,020,000 (Rank #40)
批出合約日期: 2012-01-01
System Maintenance and Support for the NT Regional Office of Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$998,145 (Rank #41)
批出合約日期: 2013-03-01
System Maintenance and Support for Lighting Division of Highways Department
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$997,920 (Rank #42)
批出合約日期: 2010-02-01
Computer Systems Maintenance and Support for the Correctional Services Department
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$990,000 (Rank #43)
批出合約日期: 2009-10-01
Network Support and Maintenance Service of Electronic Transactions Information System (ETIS) and Non-OPS Networks for the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$984,000 (Rank #44)
批出合約日期: 2011-01-01
Provision of Network Support Services for the Tsing Yi Offices of Bridges and Structures Division, Highways Department
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$982,800 (Rank #45)
批出合約日期: 2012-12-01
Application Systems Maintenance and Support for the Correctional Services Department
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$976,500 (Rank #46)
批出合約日期: 2009-12-01
Application System Maintenance and Support for the Correctional Services Department
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$969,600 (Rank #47)
批出合約日期: 2012-11-01
System Maintenance and Support for the NT Regional Office of Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$965,520 (Rank #48)
批出合約日期: 2010-02-01
Network Support Services for the Urban (HK) Regional Office of Highways Department
承辦商: ESRI China (Hong Kong) Limited
HKD$960,000 (Rank #49)
批出合約日期: 2010-02-01
Provision of Network Support Services to B&S Division and Landscape Unit at Skyline Tower of Highways Department
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$944,640 (Rank #50)
批出合約日期: 2012-11-01
Network Support Services for the Urban (K) Regional Office of Highways Department
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$937,200 (Rank #51)
批出合約日期: 2012-10-01
System Maintenance and Support and Implementations of enhancement for the Tree Data Bank System (TDBS) of the Leisure and Culture Services Department (LCSD)
承辦商: ESRI China (Hong Kong) Limited
HKD$923,000 (Rank #52)
批出合約日期: 2011-07-01
Network Support Services for the Railway Development Office of the Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$922,320 (Rank #53)
批出合約日期: 2011-06-01
Network Support Services for the Tsing Yi Offices of Bridges and Structures Division and Landscape Unit, Highways Department
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$907,200 (Rank #54)
批出合約日期: 2009-11-01
Network Support Services for the Bridges and Structures Division and Landscape Unit, Highways Department
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$900,360 (Rank #55)
批出合約日期: 2009-11-01
System maintenance and support for the Environmental Database Model for Enforcement and Monitoring (ENDMEM) System of the Environmental Protection Department
承辦商: FDS Solutions Limited
HKD$890,400 (Rank #56)
批出合約日期: 2011-04-01
Provision of On-going Technical Support Services for the Computer Forensic Laboratory of Customs & Excise Department
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$885,600 (Rank #57)
批出合約日期: 2011-03-01
System Maintenance & Support and System Enhancement of the Views from the Public System II (VPSII) for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$870,985 (Rank #58)
批出合約日期: 2012-03-01
Network Support Services for Works Division, Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$870,840 (Rank #59)
批出合約日期: 2012-03-01
Network and Office Automation System Support Services for the Auxiliary Medical Service (AMS)
承辦商: Electronic Business Solutions Limited
HKD$864,500 (Rank #60)
批出合約日期: 2011-09-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$863,322 (Rank #61)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$861,000 (Rank #62)
批出合約日期: 2010-08-01
System Maintenance and Support Services of Clerical and Secretarial Grades Human Resources Information System (CSHRIS) for the Civil Service Bureau (CSB)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$854,925 (Rank #63)
批出合約日期: 2011-10-01
Network Support Services for Innovation and Technology Commission
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$834,750 (Rank #64)
批出合約日期: 2010-07-01
Network Support Services for the Government Logistics Department
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$815,736 (Rank #65)
批出合約日期: 2012-09-01
System Maintenance and Support for the C&SD Website
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$805,850 (Rank #66)
批出合約日期: 2011-04-01
Network Support Services for the Central Cyber Government Office (CCGO) and the Government Common Applications System (GCAS) of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$798,336 (Rank #67)
批出合約日期: 2013-06-01
Network Support Services for the NT Regional Office of Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$793,350 (Rank #68)
批出合約日期: 2012-09-01
Systems Support and Maintenance Services for the Efficiency Unit
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$790,776 (Rank #69)
批出合約日期: 2012-10-01
Provision of Network Support Services for the Civil Aid Service
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$790,776 (Rank #70)
批出合約日期: 2012-07-01
Network & System Support Services for the Major Works Project Management Office of the Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$779,820 (Rank #71)
批出合約日期: 2011-09-01
Network Support Services for the Railway Development Office of the Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$768,750 (Rank #72)
批出合約日期: 2012-12-01
Network Support Services for the Railway Development Office of the Highways Department(Hy(S)Q/005/2013)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$768,600 (Rank #73)
批出合約日期: 2013-06-01
Network Support Services For Development Bureau, Works Branch (DEVB Ref.: DEVB2013/29)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$767,520 (Rank #74)
批出合約日期: 2013-04-01
Network Support Services for the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$756,000 (Rank #75)
批出合約日期: 2011-09-01
Network Support Services for the Financial Services Branch of Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$749,952 (Rank #76)
批出合約日期: 2011-10-01
System Maintenance and Support on Hardward/Software of the Case Management and Case Accounting System for the Legal Aid Department (LAD)
承辦商: Future Solutions Laboratory Limited
HKD$749,600 (Rank #77)
批出合約日期: 2009-11-01
Network Support Services for the Urban (K) Regional Office of Highways Department
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$749,070 (Rank #78)
批出合約日期: 2010-04-01
Systems Support and Maintenance Services for the Efficiency Unit (EU)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$740,880 (Rank #79)
批出合約日期: 2011-09-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Railway Development Office of the Highways Department(Hy(S)Q/009/2013)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$738,000 (Rank #80)
批出合約日期: 2013-06-01
Office Systems and Network Support Services for the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$728,160 (Rank #81)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
Network Support Services for the Major Works Project Management Office of the Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$726,000 (Rank #82)
批出合約日期: 2012-01-01
System Maintenance and Support for Applications and Systems of Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$719,850 (Rank #83)
批出合約日期: 2011-02-01
Network Support Services For Development Bureau, Works Branch (DEVB Ref.: DEVB2013/30)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$719,304 (Rank #84)
批出合約日期: 2013-04-01
Network Support Services for the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$714,672 (Rank #85)
批出合約日期: 2012-01-01
System Maintenance and Support on Legal Case Accounting System for the Legal Aid Department (LAD)
承辦商: Future Solutions Laboratory Limited
HKD$712,000 (Rank #86)
批出合約日期: 2010-06-01
System Enhancement, Maintenance and Support for the Museum Object Conservation System (MOCS) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$710,490 (Rank #87)
批出合約日期: 2011-08-01
System Maintenance and Support services to the Public Works Manpower Estimation System (PWMES) for the Development Bureau Works Branch
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$710,000 (Rank #88)
批出合約日期: 2010-11-01
System Maintenance & Support of Loan Management Scheme System of the Buildings Department
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$706,200 (Rank #89)
批出合約日期: 2013-01-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Railway Development Office of the Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$705,600 (Rank #90)
批出合約日期: 2011-06-01
System Maintenance & Support and System Enhancement of the Management Information System- Call Return Module for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)
承辦商: Kinetix Systems Limited
HKD$691,100 (Rank #91)
批出合約日期: 2011-12-01
System Maintenance and Support of Websites for the Development Bureau, Works Branch
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$688,800 (Rank #92)
批出合約日期: 2013-04-01
Network Support Services for the Civil Service Bureau (CSB)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$688,800 (Rank #93)
批出合約日期: 2012-12-01
Systems Support and Maintenance Services for the Efficiency Unit
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$687,960 (Rank #94)
批出合約日期: 2010-09-01
System Maintenance and Support for Bilingual Laws Information System (BLIS) of Department of Justice
承辦商: Future Solutions Laboratory Limited
HKD$674,300 (Rank #95)
批出合約日期: 2012-09-01
Network Support Services for the NT Regional Office of Highways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$668,520 (Rank #96)
批出合約日期: 2010-03-01
Network Support Services for the Central Cyber Government Office (CCGO) and the Government Common Applications System (GCAS) of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$649,440 (Rank #97)
批出合約日期: 2011-06-01
Police Email Network (PEN) Support Services for the HKPF
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$635,040 (Rank #98)
批出合約日期: 2010-05-01
System Maintenance of Child Assessment Service Information System (CASIS), eC-Knowledge Management Portal and Network Support Services for Child Assessment Service, Department of Health
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$630,024 (Rank #99)
批出合約日期: 2010-05-01
System Maintenance of Child Assessment Service Information System (CASIS), eC-Knowledge Management Portal and Network Support Services for Child Assessment Service, Department of Health
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$618,694 (Rank #100)
批出合約日期: 2013-04-01
Network Support Services for Development Bureau, Works Branch (DEVB2011/18)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$615,000 (Rank #101)
批出合約日期: 2011-04-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Development Bureau (DEVB2011/22)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$615,000 (Rank #102)
批出合約日期: 2011-03-01
System Maintenance and Support of Remote Access to Confidential Mail System and Installation of e- certificates of Confidential Mail System for the Civil Engineering and Development Department
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$612,372 (Rank #103)
批出合約日期: 2013-03-01
Network Support Services for the Development Bureau (DEVB2011/22)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$610,080 (Rank #104)
批出合約日期: 2011-04-01
Office Systems and Network Support Services for the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau (CMAB)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$602,700 (Rank #105)
批出合約日期: 2011-08-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Tracking and Recording System for Urine Test (TRUT) of Correctional Services Department
承辦商: Computer And Technologies Solutions Limited
HKD$602,500 (Rank #106)
批出合約日期: 2010-07-01
System Maintenance and Support of Remote Access to Confidential Mail System and Installation of e- certificates of Confidential Mail System for CEDD
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$601,876 (Rank #107)
批出合約日期: 2011-04-01
Network Support Services for the Civil Aid Service (CAS)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$586,080 (Rank #108)
批出合約日期: 2011-09-01
Network System Maintenance and Support Services for the Correctional Services Department
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$555,800 (Rank #109)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
On-going Support Services of Government Office Automation System (GOA) for the Companies Registry (CR)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$545,400 (Rank #110)
批出合約日期: 2011-03-01
Network Support Services for the Transport Branch of the Transport and Housing Bureau
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$535,296 (Rank #111)
批出合約日期: 2011-02-01
Network System Maintenance and Support Services for the Correctional Services Department
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$529,200 (Rank #112)
批出合約日期: 2012-01-01
System Enhancement, Maintenance and Support for the Heritage Virtual Tour System (HVTS) for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)
承辦商: Computer And Technologies Solutions Limited
HKD$504,500 (Rank #113)
批出合約日期: 2011-10-01
System Maintenance and Support of Site Monitoring Information System (SMIS) for Buildings Department
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$488,543 (Rank #114)
批出合約日期: 2013-06-01
Network and System Support for the Government Laboratory
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$467,280 (Rank #115)
批出合約日期: 2012-10-01
Network Support Services for the Financial Services Branch, Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$457,068 (Rank #116)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
System Maintenance and Support Services for the Electronic Project Management System (QEPMS)
承辦商: ESRI China (Hong Kong) Limited
HKD$437,344 (Rank #117)
批出合約日期: 2012-05-01
Network Support, System Maintenance and Support Services for the Efficiency Unit
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$435,420 (Rank #118)
批出合約日期: 2012-10-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Government News & Media Information System (GNMIS) for Information Services Department (ISD)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$434,522 (Rank #119)
批出合約日期: 2011-10-01
Network System Maintenance and Support for the Correctional Services Department
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$416,100 (Rank #120)
批出合約日期: 2010-08-01
Network Support, System Maintenance and Support Services for the Efficiency Unit (EU)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$399,750 (Rank #121)
批出合約日期: 2011-09-01
System Enhancement, Maintenance & Support Services for the Geographical Information System on Hong Kong Heritage (GISH) for LCSD
承辦商: ESRI China (Hong Kong) Limited
HKD$397,200 (Rank #122)
批出合約日期: 2010-11-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Hong Kong Post (HKPO)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$392,040 (Rank #123)
批出合約日期: 2011-10-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Hong Kong Post
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$386,892 (Rank #124)
批出合約日期: 2012-03-01
Network Support, System Maintenance and Support Services for the Efficiency Unit
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$385,560 (Rank #125)
批出合約日期: 2010-09-01
Network Support Services for the ITC
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$378,000 (Rank #126)
批出合約日期: 2010-09-01
Technical Support Services for the Correctional Services Department
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$367,500 (Rank #127)
批出合約日期: 2012-03-01
Network Support Services for the Innovation and Technology Commission
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$364,080 (Rank #128)
批出合約日期: 2013-04-01
Procurement of 2-year maintenance and enhancement Services for Works Orders Management System (WOMS) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$363,900 (Rank #129)
批出合約日期: 2011-12-01
Revamping Homepage for the Customs and Excise Department
承辦商: Computer And Technologies Solutions Limited
HKD$360,315 (Rank #130)
批出合約日期: 2009-12-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Revenue Information Processing System (RIPS) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$356,200 (Rank #131)
批出合約日期: 2011-11-01
Network Support Service for the Financial Services Branch of Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$352,548 (Rank #132)
批出合約日期: 2010-10-01
Network Support Services for the Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service (JSSCS)
承辦商: Computer And Technologies Solutions Limited
HKD$351,106 (Rank #133)
批出合約日期: 2009-11-01
Network Support Services for the Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service (JSSCS)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$347,952 (Rank #134)
批出合約日期: 2011-11-01
Network Support Services for the Civil Service Bureau (CSB)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$344,400 (Rank #135)
批出合約日期: 2011-12-01
System Maintenance and Support for Network and Office Automation System of the Government Flying Service (GFS)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$340,364 (Rank #136)
批出合約日期: 2012-03-01
Network Support Services for the Innovation and Technology Commission
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$340,200 (Rank #137)
批出合約日期: 2009-09-01
System Maintenance and Support Services for the Redeveloped Training Information and Administration System
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$339,540 (Rank #138)
批出合約日期: 2010-06-01
System Maintenance and Support Service for the Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS)
承辦商: ESRI China (Hong Kong) Limited
HKD$337,820 (Rank #139)
批出合約日期: 2012-05-01
System Maintenance and Support for the C&SD Website
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$337,195 (Rank #140)
批出合約日期: 2010-01-01
Maintenance and Support Services for the Web site of the Marketing Consultancy Office (Rehabilitation) for the Social Welfare Department (SWD)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$331,800 (Rank #141)
批出合約日期: 2012-05-01
System Maintenance and Support (SM&S) Services of the Electronic Training Management System (ETMS) for the Civil Service Training and Development Institute, Civil Service Bureau
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$305,970 (Rank #142)
批出合約日期: 2010-12-01
Provision of System Maintenance and Network Support Services for the Government Laboaratory
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$298,320 (Rank #143)
批出合約日期: 2010-08-01
Network Support Services for the IT in Education (ITEd) Section of Education Bureau
承辦商: Electronic Business Solutions Limited
HKD$286,400 (Rank #144)
批出合約日期: 2009-11-01
Police Intranet (POINT) Web Content Management System (WCMS) Maintenance and Support for the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$283,500 (Rank #145)
批出合約日期: 2010-09-01
System Maintenance and Support of the Data Mart for Common Data Collection Format for the University Grants Committee Secretariat
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$277,850 (Rank #146)
批出合約日期: 2010-09-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Pay Trend Survey System Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$277,114 (Rank #147)
批出合約日期: 2012-11-01
System Maintenance and Support for the OSH e- FSMS of the HKPF Department
承辦商: Kinetix Systems Limited
HKD$275,000 (Rank #148)
批出合約日期: 2010-11-01
System Maintenance and Support Services for Phase I and Phase 2 BDGIS for Buildings Department (BD)
承辦商: ESRI China (Hong Kong) Limited
HKD$274,400 (Rank #149)
批出合約日期: 2012-03-01
System Maintenance and Support to the Service Performance Management Information System (SPMIS) for the Social Welfare Department
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$272,880 (Rank #150)
批出合約日期: 2011-08-01
System Enhancement, Maintenance & Support Services for the Collection Management Systems (CMS) for the Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMA) and the Hong Kong Science Museum (HKScM) for the LCSD
承辦商: Kinetix Systems Limited
HKD$264,750 (Rank #151)
批出合約日期: 2011-03-01
Maintenance and Support Services for Systems and Network Infrastructure of the Official Receiver's Office
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$264,540 (Rank #152)
批出合約日期: 2010-05-01
System Maintenance and Support services for Centralised Organ Donation Register (CODR) for the Department of Health
承辦商: FDS Solutions Limited
HKD$259,230 (Rank #153)
批出合約日期: 2011-05-01
System Enhancement, Maintenance & Support Services for the Heritage Virtual Tour System (HVTS) for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
承辦商: Computer And Technologies Solutions Limited
HKD$249,900 (Rank #154)
批出合約日期: 2010-08-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Integrated Information Access System of the Government Records Service
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$244,800 (Rank #155)
批出合約日期: 2010-08-01
The Annual Maintenance Services for the Web Site for HKCTC (ITC-SS(H)11-2013)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$241,080 (Rank #156)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Government News & Media Information System (GNMIS) Information Services Department
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$238,780 (Rank #157)
批出合約日期: 2012-11-01
Network Support Services for Development Bureau, Works Branch
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$230,625 (Rank #158)
批出合約日期: 2010-07-01
System Maintenance and Support Services for Development Bureau, Works Branch
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$229,600 (Rank #159)
批出合約日期: 2010-08-01
System Maintenance and Support Services for Rural Election Management Information System (REMIS) and Web-based Enquiry System (WES) for Village Representative Election (VRE) for the Home Affairs Department (HAD)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$228,800 (Rank #160)
批出合約日期: 2011-09-01
System maintenance and support for I&VT Systems
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$223,600 (Rank #161)
批出合約日期: 2010-06-01
Network Support Services for Development Bureau, Works Branch
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$215,838 (Rank #162)
批出合約日期: 2010-07-01
The Annual Maintenance Services for the Departmental Web Site of the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC)
承辦商: Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited
HKD$211,200 (Rank #163)
批出合約日期: 2011-08-01
System Maintenance and Support Services for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 BDGIS for Building Department
承辦商: ESRI China (Hong Kong) Limited
HKD$201,900 (Rank #164)
批出合約日期: 2010-03-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Knowledge Management Support System of the Census & Statistics Department (C&SD)
承辦商: FDS Solutions Limited
HKD$189,823 (Rank #165)
批出合約日期: 2012-01-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Knowledge Management Support System of the Census & Statistics Department
承辦商: FDS Solutions Limited
HKD$178,607 (Rank #166)
批出合約日期: 2013-01-01
System Maintenance & Support (SM&S) Services of the Comprehensive Management Information System (CMIS) for the Civil Service Training and Development Institute, Civil Service Bureau (CSB)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$165,000 (Rank #167)
批出合約日期: 2012-03-01
The Maintenance Services for the Departmental Web Site of the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC-SS(H)12-2013)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$155,760 (Rank #168)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
System Maintenance and Support of Food Supply & Price Information System for Food and Health Bureau
承辦商: Future Solutions Laboratory Limited
HKD$150,000 (Rank #169)
批出合約日期: 2010-01-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Registration and Electoral Office
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$148,800 (Rank #170)
批出合約日期: 2011-07-01
System Maintenance and Support for the CEO Discussion Forum
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$143,820 (Rank #171)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
System Maintenance and support for the Administrative Systems of the HKPF Department
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$141,000 (Rank #172)
批出合約日期: 2011-03-01
Annual Maintenance Services for the Departmental Web Site of the Innovation and Technology Commission
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$132,600 (Rank #173)
批出合約日期: 2010-09-01
System Maintenance and Support Services to the Discussion Forum (CEODF) of the Chief Executive's Office (CEO)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$125,250 (Rank #174)
批出合約日期: 2010-10-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Maintenance Services of the General Management Consultancy Services Portal
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$122,310 (Rank #175)
批出合約日期: 2013-05-01
System Maintenance and Support for the ITCONSUM System of the HKPF Department
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$120,550 (Rank #176)
批出合約日期: 2010-11-01
System Maintenance and Support Services of the Central Registry for Rehabilitation (CRR) System for the Labour and Welfare Bureau
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$120,000 (Rank #177)
批出合約日期: 2013-05-01
System Maintenance and Support Service for Pay Trend Survey System (PTSS) for the Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service (JSSCS)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$117,629 (Rank #178)
批出合約日期: 2010-11-01
Provision of System Maintenance and Support Services of the General Management Services Portal
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$116,480 (Rank #179)
批出合約日期: 2012-04-01
The Annual Maintenance Services for the HKCTC Web Site of the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$90,450 (Rank #180)
批出合約日期: 2011-11-01
Network and Office Automation System Support Services for the Government Flying Service
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$89,250 (Rank #181)
批出合約日期: 2009-10-01
Network Support Services for the Auxiliary Medical Service (AMS)
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$89,024 (Rank #182)
批出合約日期: 2011-07-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Chief Executive's Office
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$82,350 (Rank #183)
批出合約日期: 2012-08-01
Network Support Services for the Public Service Commission (PSC)
承辦商: Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited
HKD$80,625 (Rank #184)
批出合約日期: 2012-01-01
System Maintenance and Support of the Licensing Appeals Board Computer System for the Food and Health Bureau
承辦商: Kinetix Systems Limited
HKD$80,000 (Rank #185)
批出合約日期: 2013-03-01
Technical Support Service for Dental Service of the Department of Health
承辦商: Computer And Technologies Solutions Limited
HKD$70,865 (Rank #186)
批出合約日期: 2009-10-01
The Annual Maintenance Services for the Website of the Road Safety Council
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$55,200 (Rank #187)
批出合約日期: 2011-07-01
Provision of Revamp the Departmental Web Site for Unicode Encoding of the ITC
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD$49,900 (Rank #188)
批出合約日期: 2012-07-01


HKD $1,299,962 (金額排名: 1)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
HKD $863,322 (金額排名: 61)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
HKD $728,160 (金額排名: 81)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
HKD $457,068 (金額排名: 116)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
HKD $555,800 (金額排名: 109)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
HKD $1,121,600 (金額排名: 26)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
HKD $241,080 (金額排名: 156)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
HKD $1,251,140 (金額排名: 10)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
HKD $155,760 (金額排名: 168)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01
HKD $1,221,000 (金額排名: 13)
批出合約日期: 2013-07-01