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Global Technology Integrators Limited

SOA-QPS3 總排名 1
Global Technology Integrators Limited 共取得49張資訊科技服務合約, 合共金額為$259,235,345 (19.53%)。 在SOA-QPS3裏以合約金額排名為第1位。
2/Major $60,747,597 15 1
3/Major $198,487,748 34 1
佔Cat 2/Major百份比
佔Cat 3/Major百份比
System Maintenance & Support Services for the Business Applications in OGCIO
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$9,950,160 (Rank #1)
批出合約日期: 2017-07-26
System Maintenance and Support for the Electronic Business System of Marine Department
Marine Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$6,981,375 (Rank #2)
批出合約日期: 2015-05-28
Maintenance and Support Services to the Computer Systems in the Government Property Agency
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$5,942,400 (Rank #3)
批出合約日期: 2015-10-08
Network Support Services For Leisure and Cultural Services Headquarters Data Centre
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$5,936,280 (Rank #4)
批出合約日期: 2017-07-21
Network Support Services for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$5,268,682 (Rank #5)
批出合約日期: 2014-11-11
System Maintenance and Support for the Industries & Vocational Training Systems of Correctional Services Department
Correctional Services Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$4,872,000 (Rank #6)
批出合約日期: 2016-07-15
System Maintenance and Support for the Active Medicines Information and Control System (AMICS), Pharmaceuticals Registration and Licensing System (PRLS), Pharmaceuticals Import and Export Regulatory System (PIERS) and e-Pharmaceutical Service (e-PS) with
Department of Health
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$4,756,500 (Rank #7)
批出合約日期: 2014-09-05
System Maintenance and Support of the Electronic System for the Research Grants Council (RGC) of the University Grants Committee Secretariat (UGCS) (Ref: UGC/GEN/332/99)
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$3,684,000 (Rank #8)
批出合約日期: 2014-09-16
System Maintenance and Network Support Services for the Survey and Mapping Office (SMO) of Lands Department
Lands Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$3,430,230 (Rank #9)
批出合約日期: 2014-08-08
System Maintenance and Support for the Leisure Link e-Services System for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$2,467,000 (Rank #10)
批出合約日期: 2014-11-27
Network Support Services for Water Supplies Department
Water Supplies Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$1,738,968 (Rank #11)
批出合約日期: 2014-06-25
System Maintenance and Support of the e-Services System for the Official Receiver's Office
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$1,430,001 (Rank #12)
批出合約日期: 2014-05-07
Network Support Services of the Hong Kong Public Libraries for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$1,430,000 (Rank #13)
批出合約日期: 2017-07-20
System Maintenance and Support Services for Leisure and Cultural Services Department Departmental Website
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$1,430,000 (Rank #14)
批出合約日期: 2016-12-09
System Maintenance and Support of Official Receiver's Management Information System (ORMIS) for the Official Receiver's Office
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$1,430,000 (Rank #15)
批出合約日期: 2015-06-30
Combined System Development Services (System Implementation & Integration and System Maintenance & Support) for the Summons and Hawker Case Modules of the Integrated Court Case Management System ("iCMS") of the Judiciary (Ref: JQPS/2/2016)
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$9,999,090 (Rank #1)
批出合約日期: 2016-07-25
System Enhancement and Maintenance Services for the Shared Services of the E-government Infrastructure Service (EGIS) platform of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$9,998,100 (Rank #2)
批出合約日期: 2017-07-24
System Enhancement and Maintenance Services for the Common Services of the E-government Infrastructure Service (EGIS) platform of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$9,990,000 (Rank #3)
批出合約日期: 2015-01-09
Combined System Development Services for the Implementation of the Trust and Company Service Providers Licensing System (TCSPLS) to the Companies Registry
Companies Registry
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$9,868,000 (Rank #4)
批出合約日期: 2017-03-02
Enhancement and Maintenance of MyGovHK and Related Systems for the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$9,357,556 (Rank #5)
批出合約日期: 2014-04-16
Combined System Development Services for the Excavation Permit Management System of Highways Department
Highways Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$8,600,008 (Rank #6)
批出合約日期: 2016-03-21
System Implementation and System Integration Services for the Management Information Services and Reports of the Computerised Social Security System II for the Social Welfare Department (Ref: SWD/QPS3/006/2015)
Social Welfare Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$8,500,000 (Rank #7)
批出合約日期: 2016-04-22
Combined System Development Services for the Replacement of obsolete hardware and software of Public Works Programme Information System (PWPIS) for the Development Bureau (Works Branch) (Ref.: DEVBWB2015/23)
Development Bureau
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$8,409,000 (Rank #8)
批出合約日期: 2015-08-06
Combined System Development Services for the Redevelopment of Electronic Business System for the Marine Department
Marine Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$8,403,375 (Rank #9)
批出合約日期: 2016-08-26
Combined System Development Services for the Leisure Link System for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$7,610,000 (Rank #10)
批出合約日期: 2017-03-31
System Analysis & Design, System Implementation & Integration and System Maintenance & Support Services for the Redevelopment of the Insolvency Estate Funds and Accounting System for the Official Receiver's Office
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$7,600,000 (Rank #11)
批出合約日期: 2017-06-28
System Analysis & Design (SA&D) and System Implementation & Integration (SI&I) Services for the Enhancement of the E-government Infrastructure Service (EGIS) Common Services of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$7,299,900 (Rank #12)
批出合約日期: 2015-05-20
Combined System Development Services of the Re-development of Long Term Care Services Delivery System for the Labour and Welfare Bureau and Social Welfare Department
Social Welfare Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$7,030,000 (Rank #13)
批出合約日期: 2016-01-15
System Analysis & Design and System Implementation & System Integration for Enhancement of the Government Property Information System for the Government Property Agency
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$6,800,000 (Rank #14)
批出合約日期: 2017-07-27
Combined System Development Services for Enhancement of the Integrated Licensing, Fire Safety and Prosecution System for the Fire Services Department
Fire Services Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$6,785,600 (Rank #15)
批出合約日期: 2017-04-05
Combined System Development Services for the Technology Refresh for Public Works Manpower Estimation System (PWMES) for Development Bureau (Works Branch) (Ref.:DEVBWB2017/01)
Development Bureau
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$6,643,000 (Rank #16)
批出合約日期: 2017-06-22
Information Framework for the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Education Bureau
Education Bureau
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$6,499,000 (Rank #17)
批出合約日期: 2015-09-16
Enhancement of Multiple Application Registration Service, Common Middleware Components and Centralised SMS Gateway for the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$6,460,000 (Rank #18)
批出合約日期: 2017-05-24
System Implementation for Enhancement of HKPCA System to support Certificate Transparency for the Hongkong Post
Hongkong Post
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$6,211,350 (Rank #19)
批出合約日期: 2017-07-06
Combined System Development Services for the Bailiff Modules in the Integrated Court Case Management System ("iCMS") of the Judiciary (Ref: JQPS/3/2015)
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$5,890,185 (Rank #20)
批出合約日期: 2016-03-21
Combined System Development Services for the Revamp of Site Monitoring Information System for the Buildings Department
Buildings Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$5,597,768 (Rank #21)
批出合約日期: 2017-07-19
Combined System Development Services for Upgrading of Public Lighting Information System of Highways Department
Highways Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$4,641,000 (Rank #22)
批出合約日期: 2017-01-27
System Analysis & Design and System Implementation & System Integration for the Upgrade of Geographic Information System and Enhancement for the Excavation Permit Management System of Highways Department (Ref: Hy(S)Q/039/2016)
Highways Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$3,999,500 (Rank #23)
批出合約日期: 2016-12-21
Combined System Development Services of the Revamp of Cultural and Leisure Programmes Searching System for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$3,915,000 (Rank #24)
批出合約日期: 2017-02-06
Acquisition of Custom Support Agreement (CSA) Services for Windows XP SP3 for Bureaux and Departments of the HKSARG
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$3,272,500 (Rank #25)
批出合約日期: 2014-05-09
Combined System Development Services for Intranet of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$3,115,850 (Rank #26)
批出合約日期: 2016-05-04
Combined System Development Services for the New Smart ID Card Electronic Authentication System for the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$2,994,600 (Rank #27)
批出合約日期: 2017-04-21
Combined System Development Services for the development of Administrative System of the Innovation and Technology Bureau - Fund for Better Living (ASITB-FBL) for the Innovation and Technology Bureau (ITB)
Innovation & Technology Bureau
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$2,967,800 (Rank #28)
批出合約日期: 2016-12-30
System Analysis & Design, System Implementation & Integration and System Maintenance & Support of the Next Generation Integrated Library System Print Management System on Multimedia Information System Workstations for the Leisure and Cultural Services Dep
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$2,629,565 (Rank #29)
批出合約日期: 2013-12-30
Upgrading of E-mail System for the Lands Department
Lands Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$1,680,000 (Rank #30)
批出合約日期: 2014-03-13
Redevelopment of Customer Relationship Management System for Invest Hong Kong
Invest Hong Kong
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$1,430,001 (Rank #31)
批出合約日期: 2014-11-06
Upgrade Of Insurance System Servers for the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$1,430,000 (Rank #32)
批出合約日期: 2015-12-16
System Analysis & Design and System Implementation and Integration for Upgrade of the Government Rent and Premium System of the Lands Department
Lands Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$1,430,000 (Rank #33)
批出合約日期: 2015-11-16
Combined System Development Services for Implementation of the Confidential Messaging Application with Upgrade of the Confidential Mail System for Hong Kong Housing Authority/Housing Department (Ref: HAQ20160143)
Housing Department
承辦商: Global Technology Integrators Limited
HKD$1,430,000 (Rank #34)
批出合約日期: 2016-08-17


HKD $9,950,160 (金額排名: 2)
批出合約日期: 2017-07-26
HKD $5,936,280 (金額排名: 14)
批出合約日期: 2017-07-21
HKD $5,597,768 (金額排名: 41)
批出合約日期: 2017-07-19
HKD $6,211,350 (金額排名: 35)
批出合約日期: 2017-07-06