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總合約金額: $46,639,397
1 Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited $12,405,019 20
2 Unisys China/Hongkong Limited $9,162,551 8
3 Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited $7,538,625 19
4 NCSI (HK) Limited $6,089,725 24
5 Unisys China/HongkongLimited $2,898,402 11
6 Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited $2,469,233 10
7 UnisysChina/Hongkong Limited $1,805,700 3
8 Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited $1,789,289 7
9 PCCW Solutions Limited $1,700,702 7
10 PCCW SolutionsLimited $780,150 3
1 政府資訊科技總監辦公室 $25,881,458 38
2 庫務署 $2,113,609 7
3 入境事務處 $1,660,036 4
4 地政總署 $1,518,703 3
5 政府物流服務署 $1,343,925 2
6 公務員事務局 $894,650 3
7 衞生署 $756,921 3
8 漁農自然護理署 $697,856 1
9 香港警務處 $677,239 3
10 屋宇署 $673,272 1
11 渠務署 $641,410 2
12 效率促進辦公室 $600,273 5
13 差餉物業估價署 $587,421 2
14 通訊事務管理局辦公室 $529,971 2
15 民政事務總署 $461,390 1
16 環境保護署 $457,240 1
17 政府化驗所 $450,701 1
18 海事處 $448,258 1
19 康樂及文化事務署 $428,633 1
20 法律援助署 $420,046 1
21 工業貿易署 $402,537 2
22 食物環境衞生署 $363,878 2
23 香港電台 $351,132 2
24 保險業監理處 $333,434 2
25 稅務局 $319,136 1
26 香港海關 $313,950 1
27 香港天文台 $312,609 2
28 機電工程署 $279,463 1
29 民政事務局 $264,002 1
30 學生資助事務處 $250,000 1
31 水務署 $220,061 2
32 懲教署 $214,860 1
33 土木工程拓展署 $207,600 1
34 破產管理署 $188,876 1
35 公司註冊處 $188,032 1
36 政府新聞處 $182,450 1
37 土地註冊處 $155,984 1
38 社會福利署 $151,198 1
39 路政署 $147,928 1
40 教育局 $135,002 1
41 政府產業署 $124,428 1
42 勞工處 $114,668 1
43 律政司 $105,549 1
44 獨立監察警方處理投訴委員會 $69,608 1
IT Security Support Services for the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$464,788 (Rank #1)
批出合約日期: 2007-03-01
IT Security Monitoring Services and Information Security Incident Response Support Services for Central Cyber Government Office of Office of theGovernment Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Unisys China/Hongkong Limited
USD$424,281 (Rank #2)
批出合約日期: 2008-10-01
IT Security Support Services for the Office of The Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$398,518 (Rank #3)
批出合約日期: 2009-03-01
IT Security Monitoring and Information Security Incident Response Support Services for Central Computer Centre Network Service and Central Internet Service (CCCNS/CIS) of Office of theGovernment Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Unisys China/Hongkong Limited
USD$162,624 (Rank #4)
批出合約日期: 2008-06-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services for Critical and Major Systems/Facilities of the Office of Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)
承辦商: Unisys China/Hongkong Limited
USD$161,684 (Rank #5)
批出合約日期: 2007-01-01
IT Security Monitoring and Information Security Incident Response Support Services for Central Computer Centre Network Service (CCNS) and Central Internet Services (CIS) of the Office of the Government Chief Information Office (OGCIO)
承辦商: Unisys China/Hongkong Limited
USD$155,336 (Rank #6)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
IT Security Monitoring Services for the Government Logistics Department
承辦商: UnisysChina/Hongkong Limited
USD$153,726 (Rank #7)
批出合約日期: 2008-07-01
IT Security Monitoring and Information Security Incident Response Support Services for Central Computer Centre Network Service and Central Internet Service of Office of the Government ChiefInformation Officer
承辦商: Unisys China/Hongkong Limited
USD$139,824 (Rank #8)
批出合約日期: 2006-12-01
Review and Enhancement of Government IT Security Related Regulations, Policies andGuidelines for the OGCIO
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$1,052,560 (Rank #9)
批出合約日期: 2008-12-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for Critical and Major Systems/Facilities of the Office of Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)
承辦商: Unisys China/Hongkong Limited
USD$103,085 (Rank #10)
批出合約日期: 2009-05-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for theGeospatial Information Hub and Services (GIHS) for the Lands Department
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$747,300 (Rank #11)
批出合約日期: 2009-01-01
Security Risk Assessment Services of theGovernment Financial Management Information System (GFMIS) Phase 2 for the Treasury
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$94,542 (Rank #12)
批出合約日期: 2008-07-01
Security Risk Assessment Services of theGovernment Financial Management Information System (GFMIS) for the Treasury
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$89,754 (Rank #13)
批出合約日期: 2006-07-01
Security Management Design & Implementation Services and Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for Agriculture, Fisheries and ConservationDepartment (AFCD)
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$697,856 (Rank #14)
批出合約日期: 2008-07-01
Security Management Design and ImplementationServices for Buildings Department
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$673,272 (Rank #15)
批出合約日期: 2006-03-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for theMission-Critical Network of Immigration Department
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$601,436 (Rank #16)
批出合約日期: 2008-06-01
Independent Security Audits on Government Bureaux and Departments (Group 9) for the Officeof the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$568,118 (Rank #17)
批出合約日期: 2008-07-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services for the Central Internet Service (CIS) of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer(OGCIO)
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$510,000 (Rank #18)
批出合約日期: 2007-03-01
Independent Security Audits on Government Bureaux and Departments (Group 10) for the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$506,261 (Rank #19)
批出合約日期: 2008-07-01
IT Security Risk Assessment & Audit Service forthe Relocation of Homepages and Redevelopment of Web Applications of the Civil Service Bureau
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$500,000 (Rank #20)
批出合約日期: 2008-09-01
Support Services for Information Security Enhancement Programme for the Office of theGovernment Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$498,704 (Rank #21)
批出合約日期: 2008-08-01
Independent Security Audits on Government Bureaux and Departments (Group 13) for the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer(OGCIO)
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$493,150 (Rank #22)
批出合約日期: 2008-11-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services for the Replacement of Computerised Land information System (RCLIS) Project of the Lands Department(LandsD)
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$478,716 (Rank #23)
批出合約日期: 2008-12-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the EXPRESS and SMARTICS of ImmigrationDepartment
承辦商: Unisys China/HongkongLimited
USD$60,620 (Rank #24)
批出合約日期: 2006-08-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for Central Internet Services and GovHK Portal of the Office of Government Chief Information Officer(OGCIO)
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$465,009 (Rank #25)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Service forHome Affairs Department
承辦商: PCCW SolutionsLimited
HKD$461,390 (Rank #26)
批出合約日期: 2008-01-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for Environmental Protection Department
承辦商: PCCW Solutions Limited
HKD$457,240 (Rank #27)
批出合約日期: 2009-01-01
IT Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services forthe Government Laboratory (GLab)
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$450,701 (Rank #28)
批出合約日期: 2007-12-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for theMarine Department (MD)
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$57,469 (Rank #29)
批出合約日期: 2007-07-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for Multiple Application Registration Service, myGovHK Portal and its Value-added Services for the Office of the Government Chief InformationOfficer (OGCIO)
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$447,167 (Rank #30)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Drainage Services Department (DSD)
承辦商: Unisys China/HongkongLimited
USD$56,952 (Rank #31)
批出合約日期: 2008-11-01
Independent Security Audits on Government Bureaux and Departments (Group 6) for the Officeof the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$56,668 (Rank #32)
批出合約日期: 2007-12-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the E-government Infrastructure Service (EGIS)Platform
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$436,585 (Rank #33)
批出合約日期: 2007-03-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$54,953 (Rank #34)
批出合約日期: 2007-02-01
Security Risk Assessment for the Legal AidDepartment (LAD)
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$420,046 (Rank #35)
批出合約日期: 2007-08-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the E-government Infrastructure Service (EGIS)Platform
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$419,602 (Rank #36)
批出合約日期: 2008-09-01
Independent Security Audits on Government Bureaux and Departments (Group 5) for the Officeof the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$51,742 (Rank #37)
批出合約日期: 2007-12-01
IT Security Monitoring and Information SecurityIncident Response Support Services for the Mobile Workplace Services (MWS)
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$51,146 (Rank #38)
批出合約日期: 2006-12-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the e-Procurement System of the Office of theGovernment Chief Information Office (OGCIO)
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$49,908 (Rank #39)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
Independent Security Audits on GovernmentBureaux and Departments (Group 2) for the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$379,517 (Rank #40)
批出合約日期: 2007-04-01
Security Risk Assessment Service for the Police Information Systems of the Hong Kong Police Force
承辦商: Unisys China/HongkongLimited
USD$48,364 (Rank #41)
批出合約日期: 2007-09-01
Security Risk Assessment, Audit, Enhancement and Awareness Training for the Rating and ValuationDepartment
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$340,069 (Rank #42)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services for the Central Cyber Government Office (CCGO) of the Office of the Government Chief InformationOfficer (OGCIO)
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$41,619 (Rank #43)
批出合約日期: 2007-12-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services forthe Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA)
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$41,065 (Rank #44)
批出合約日期: 2008-10-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for theIRD
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$319,136 (Rank #45)
批出合約日期: 2008-06-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Electronic Services Delivery (ESD) Back-EndSystem
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$315,737 (Rank #46)
批出合約日期: 2007-08-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Customs & Excise Department
承辦商: UnisysChina/Hongkong Limited
USD$40,250 (Rank #47)
批出合約日期: 2006-09-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Service forTrade and Industry Department (TID)
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$40,097 (Rank #48)
批出合約日期: 2007-09-01
Security Management Design & Implementation Services for the Department of Health
承辦商: Unisys China/HongkongLimited
USD$39,828 (Rank #49)
批出合約日期: 2007-03-01
Independent Security Audits on Government Bureaux and Departments (Group 14) for the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer(OGCIO)
承辦商: PCCW Solutions Limited
HKD$303,000 (Rank #50)
批出合約日期: 2008-11-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Administrative Network of Immigration Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$38,400 (Rank #51)
批出合約日期: 2006-11-01
Departmental IT Security Audit Services for the Lands Department
承辦商: UnisysChina/Hongkong Limited
USD$37,524 (Rank #52)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services forthe Department of Health
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$36,785 (Rank #53)
批出合約日期: 2008-12-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Administrative Network for the ImmigrationDepartment
承辦商: Unisys China/HongkongLimited
USD$36,698 (Rank #54)
批出合約日期: 2009-03-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit of TreasuryInformation Systems
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$36,502 (Rank #55)
批出合約日期: 2007-11-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Electrical & Mechanical Services Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
HKD$279,463 (Rank #56)
批出合約日期: 2007-03-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services forthe Civil Service Bureau
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$272,000 (Rank #57)
批出合約日期: 2008-09-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services forthe Home Affairs Bureau
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$264,002 (Rank #58)
批出合約日期: 2008-02-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for theStudent Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA)
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$250,000 (Rank #59)
批出合約日期: 2008-08-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Rating and Valuation Department
承辦商: PCCW Solutions Limited
HKD$247,352 (Rank #60)
批出合約日期: 2006-06-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Service for the Change of Address (COA) Service, Mobile Government Telephone Directory System and Security Code Review Services for Simple Customer Input Capture Service (SCICS) and e-Card Hosting Service for OGCIO
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$241,726 (Rank #61)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Service for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$30,677 (Rank #62)
批出合約日期: 2007-12-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for Smart Identity Card Electronic AuthenticationSystem (the IDEAS)
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$238,000 (Rank #63)
批出合約日期: 2008-11-01
Security Risk Assessment Services for the Correctional Services Department
承辦商: PCCW Solutions Limited
HKD$214,860 (Rank #64)
批出合約日期: 2008-01-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services for the Office of the Telecommunications Authority(OFTA)
承辦商: Unisys China/HongkongLimited
USD$26,880 (Rank #65)
批出合約日期: 2006-09-01
Security Requirement Review and Security Audit Services for Civil Engineering and DevelopmentDepartment (CEDD)
承辦商: PCCW Solutions Limited
HKD$207,600 (Rank #66)
批出合約日期: 2009-03-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
承辦商: Unisys China/HongkongLimited
USD$26,196 (Rank #67)
批出合約日期: 2006-04-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for thePolice Data Network of HKPF Department
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$200,000 (Rank #68)
批出合約日期: 2009-04-01
Departmental Gateways Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Drainage ServicesDepartment
承辦商: Unisys China/HongkongLimited
USD$25,280 (Rank #69)
批出合約日期: 2006-05-01
Independent Security Audits on GovernmentBureaux and Departments (Group 1) for the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$189,035 (Rank #70)
批出合約日期: 2007-04-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services forthe Official Receiver's Office (ORO)
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$188,876 (Rank #71)
批出合約日期: 2006-04-01
IT Security Audit Services for Companies Registry
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$188,032 (Rank #72)
批出合約日期: 2007-09-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services for the Electronic System for Cargo Manifests (EMAN) for the Office of the Government Chief InformationOfficer (OGCIO)
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$185,253 (Rank #73)
批出合約日期: 2008-10-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Information Services Department
承辦商: PCCW Solutions Limited
HKD$182,450 (Rank #74)
批出合約日期: 2009-03-01
Security Policy, Risk Assessment & Audit Services
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$179,332 (Rank #75)
批出合約日期: 2006-08-01
Security Risk Assessment Services of the Medical and Dental Benefits Eligibility Checking System(ECS) for the Treasury
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$179,238 (Rank #76)
批出合約日期: 2007-04-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services of Simple Customer Input Capture Service and e- Hosting Service for the Office of the GovernmentChief Information Officer (OGCIO)
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$177,470 (Rank #77)
批出合約日期: 2008-08-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Government Central Gateway within the Government Electronic Trading Services (GETS)System
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$22,368 (Rank #78)
批出合約日期: 2008-10-01
IT Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services forRadio Television Hong Kong (RTHK)
承辦商: PCCW SolutionsLimited
HKD$171,800 (Rank #79)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for theHong Kong Observatory
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$21,237 (Rank #80)
批出合約日期: 2006-09-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for theDepartment of Health
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$159,340 (Rank #81)
批出合約日期: 2006-11-01
Pentetration Test for IT Systems of the LandRegistry
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$19,998 (Rank #82)
批出合約日期: 2009-02-01
Information Technology Security Risk Assessment & audit for the New Integrated Call Centre (ICC1and New ICC) of Efficiency Unit
承辦商: Unisys China/HongkongLimited
USD$19,530 (Rank #83)
批出合約日期: 2007-09-01
Information Security Audit Services for the SocialWelfare Department
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$151,198 (Rank #84)
批出合約日期: 2008-07-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Excavation Permit Management System (XPMS) ofHighways Department (HyD)
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$147,928 (Rank #85)
批出合約日期: 2008-05-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services For theHong Kong Observatory
承辦商: PCCW SolutionsLimited
HKD$146,960 (Rank #86)
批出合約日期: 2008-12-01
Security Risk Assessment for the Government Logistics Department (GLD)
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$144,862 (Rank #87)
批出合約日期: 2007-09-01
Security Risk Assessment and Security Audit Services for Mobile Workplace Services (MWS) System of the Office of the Government ChiefInformation Officer (OGCIO)
承辦商: Unisys China/Hongkong Limited
USD$18,000 (Rank #88)
批出合約日期: 2007-03-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for theNew Change of Address (NCOA) Service on the One-Stop Access Portal (OSP)
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$138,084 (Rank #89)
批出合約日期: 2007-09-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services -Education Bureau
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$17,308 (Rank #90)
批出合約日期: 2007-11-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services on the Insurance System of the Office of the Commissionerof Insurance
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$16,552 (Rank #91)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$15,974 (Rank #92)
批出合約日期: 2006-12-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for theGovernment Property Agency
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$124,428 (Rank #93)
批出合約日期: 2006-11-01
Information Technology Security Risk Assessment & audit for the Integrated Call Centre of EfficiencyUnit
承辦商: Unisys China/HongkongLimited
USD$15,800 (Rank #94)
批出合約日期: 2006-09-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services forthe Homepage and Web Applications of the Civil Service Bureau
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$122,650 (Rank #95)
批出合約日期: 2007-03-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Youth Portal for Public Services Of Efficiency Unit
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$120,958 (Rank #96)
批出合約日期: 2007-12-01
Security Risk Assessment for the Water Supplies Department
承辦商: Unisys China/HongkongLimited
USD$15,442 (Rank #97)
批出合約日期: 2006-08-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services for the Occupational Safety and Health Management Information System (OSHMIS) of the LabourDepartment
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$14,701 (Rank #98)
批出合約日期: 2007-12-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services for the Mobile Workplace Services (MWS) of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer(OGCIO)
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$13,580 (Rank #99)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
IT Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services forDepartment of Justice
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$105,549 (Rank #100)
批出合約日期: 2006-11-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services for the Youth Portal for Public Services of EfficiencyUnit
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$104,604 (Rank #101)
批出合約日期: 2007-05-01
Security Risk Assessment Services on Department Portal (Phase 2) System of the Hong Kong PoliceForce (HKPF)
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$100,000 (Rank #102)
批出合約日期: 2009-01-01
Security Audit Services for the Water SuppliesDepartment
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$99,613 (Rank #103)
批出合約日期: 2008-06-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for theElectronic Recordkeeping System (ERKS) Pilot Project
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$99,137 (Rank #104)
批出合約日期: 2007-12-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services of GovHK
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$93,104 (Rank #105)
批出合約日期: 2007-06-01
Security Risk Assessment Service for the Trade andIndustry Department
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$89,780 (Rank #106)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services for the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) Portal of the Office of theGovernment Chief Information Officer
承辦商: PCCW Solutions Limited
HKD$88,200 (Rank #107)
批出合約日期: 2006-03-01
Security Risk Assessment Services of the ChequePrinting Outsourcing
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$77,150 (Rank #108)
批出合約日期: 2007-03-01
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services for Internet Mail System of Central Internet Services of Office of the Government Chief Information Office
承辦商: Unisys China/Hongkong Limited
USD$9,852 (Rank #109)
批出合約日期: 2006-08-01
Security Risk Assessment Services for the Treasury Department (Wireless LAN Infrastructure)
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$75,685 (Rank #110)
批出合約日期: 2006-03-01
Security Risk Assessment for the IndependentPolice Complaints Council Secretariat
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$69,608 (Rank #111)
批出合約日期: 2006-08-01
Security Risk Assessment Services for the External Access Gateway in Disaster Recovery Center for theTreasury
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$7,604 (Rank #112)
批出合約日期: 2006-07-01


USD $16,552 (金額排名: 91)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
HKD $340,069 (金額排名: 42)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
HKD $89,780 (金額排名: 106)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
USD $37,524 (金額排名: 52)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
HKD $171,800 (金額排名: 79)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01