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Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited

SOA-QPS4 總排名 40
Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited 共取得22張資訊科技服務合約, 合共金額為$5,054,800 (0.17%)。 在SOA-QPS4裏以合約金額排名為第40位。
4 $5,054,800 22 11
佔Cat 4百份比
IT Security Monitoring Services For the Central Cyber Government Office (CCGO) of The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$1,624,000 (Rank #1)
批出合約日期: 2017-10-06
Security Risk Review Services for Four Traffic Control and Surveillance System
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$610,200 (Rank #2)
批出合約日期: 2022-01-24
IT Security Monitoring Services for the Government Logistics Department
Government Logistics Department
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$522,000 (Rank #3)
批出合約日期: 2017-10-13
IT Security Monitoring Services for the Education Bureau
Education Bureau
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$374,400 (Rank #4)
批出合約日期: 2020-06-08
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency
Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$280,000 (Rank #5)
批出合約日期: 2021-01-28
IT Security Monitoring Services
Education Bureau
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$217,200 (Rank #6)
批出合約日期: 2018-06-04
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for Selected Systems
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$174,000 (Rank #7)
批出合約日期: 2021-12-21
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for Selected Systems
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$174,000 (Rank #8)
批出合約日期: 2021-12-20
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$120,000 (Rank #9)
批出合約日期: 2018-08-31
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for Child Assessment Service Information System, eC-Knowledge Management Portal and website for Child Assessment Service of Department of Health V2.0
Department of Health
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$120,000 (Rank #10)
批出合約日期: 2019-11-21
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services for the Corporate Mobile Applications of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$120,000 (Rank #11)
批出合約日期: 2019-12-04
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the System Enhancements arising from the Implementation of Centrally Managed Messaging Platform and Revamp of Departmental and Thematic Websites with Mobile Friendly Design
Development Bureau
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$120,000 (Rank #12)
批出合約日期: 2020-05-11
Security Risk Assessment and Audit Services for the Create Hong Kong
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$98,000 (Rank #13)
批出合約日期: 2018-10-11
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for HKeMobility Mobile Application and Related Systems for Transport Department
Transport Department
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$98,000 (Rank #14)
批出合約日期: 2020-11-09
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for Departmental Review, Departmental Portal, e-Leave, Development of NCSC Leave Recording and Calculation Functions, Meeting Room Booking System and Workflow Automation System
Invest Hong Kong
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$80,000 (Rank #15)
批出合約日期: 2021-05-06
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for Intellectual Property Department
Intellectual Property Department
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$70,000 (Rank #16)
批出合約日期: 2020-06-11
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the ITB
Innovation & Technology Bureau
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$68,000 (Rank #17)
批出合約日期: 2018-09-28
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services For the Administrative System of the Innovation and Technology Bureau - Fund for Better Living
Innovation & Technology Bureau
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$50,000 (Rank #18)
批出合約日期: 2020-03-13
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the ITG InfoStation Sites
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$45,000 (Rank #19)
批出合約日期: 2018-06-04
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Public Works Consultants Resources Allocation Register for the Works Branch
Development Bureau
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$35,000 (Rank #20)
批出合約日期: 2018-01-22
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Deployment of Confidential Messaging Application and Mobile Confidential Mail Service for Registration and Electoral Office (Ref: REO HQSR/3-30/1/2017-012)
Registration and Electoral Office
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$30,000 (Rank #21)
批出合約日期: 2017-11-01
Security Risk Assessment & Audit Services for the Interactive Voice Response System for Registration and Electoral Office
Registration and Electoral Office
承辦商: Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Limited
HKD$25,000 (Rank #22)
批出合約日期: 2018-01-19


HKD $610,200 (金額排名: 28)
批出合約日期: 2022-01-24
HKD $174,000 (金額排名: 143)
批出合約日期: 2021-12-21
HKD $174,000 (金額排名: 142)
批出合約日期: 2021-12-20
HKD $70,000 (金額排名: 402)
批出合約日期: 2020-06-11
HKD $374,400 (金額排名: 54)
批出合約日期: 2020-06-08