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SOA-QPS 服務合約

總合約金額: $750,080,302
總合約數: 690
類別 總合約金額 總合約數
1/Major $66,460,091 26
1/Minor $6,289,112 13
2/Major $158,325,819 82
2/Minor $48,368,231 89
3/Major $341,312,199 120
3/Minor $63,545,775 107
4/Major $46,639,397 112
4/Minor $19,139,679 141


公司名稱 總合約金額 總合約數
Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited $19,971,159 11
IBM China/Hong Kong Limited $13,013,976 5
Azeus Systems Limited $11,208,522 2
IBM China/HongKong Limited $7,898,428 2
Unisys China/HongkongLimited $5,973,404 2


公司名稱 總合約金額 總合約數
Y&A Professional Services Limited $2,139,900 4
Arcotect Limited $1,966,850 4
Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited $929,752 2
Au Posford Consultants Limited $704,610 2
Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited $548,000 1


公司名稱 總合約金額 總合約數
Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited $56,926,647 30
Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited $43,380,813 23
Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited $19,172,297 15
Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited $15,826,064 8
Azeus Systems Limited $12,481,560 3


公司名稱 總合約金額 總合約數
Arcotect Limited $17,938,251 40
Jardine OneSolution(HK) Limited $10,355,384 14
Integrated Enterprise Solutions Limited $9,055,669 16
Jardine OneSolution (HK) Limited $5,073,590 7
Fujitsu Hong Kong Limited $2,508,484 2


公司名稱 總合約金額 總合約數
Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited $118,822,030 34
Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited $85,992,357 34
NCSI (HK) Limited $73,136,774 25
Azeus Systems Limited $21,750,167 6
PCCW Solutions Limited $20,360,460 7


公司名稱 總合約金額 總合約數
Arcotect Limited $16,449,980 32
Kinetix Systems Limited $13,787,150 21
Y&A Professional Services Limited $11,820,500 16
Future Solutions Laboratory Limited $7,946,885 11
ELM Computer Technologies Limited $4,014,420 7


公司名稱 總合約金額 總合約數
Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited $12,405,019 20
Unisys China/Hongkong Limited $9,162,551 8
Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited $7,538,625 19
NCSI (HK) Limited $6,089,725 24
Unisys China/HongkongLimited $2,898,402 11
排名 部門 批出金額 批出合約數
1 政府資訊科技總監辦公室 $125,650,621 93
2 康樂及文化事務署 $52,964,688 34
3 地政总署 $36,411,035 22
4 路政署 $35,711,071 33
5 Independent Commission Against Corruption $28,631,625 6
6 香港警務處 $26,920,702 38
7 運輸署 $26,616,349 12
8 衞生署 $23,524,297 23
9 公务员事务局 $21,535,856 15
10 懲教署 $21,244,364 20
11 教育局 $20,281,211 15
12 政府統計處 $18,862,979 13
13 Drainage Services Department $18,672,569 7
14 香港海關 $16,308,564 8
15 土木工程拓展署 $15,018,994 15
16 漁農自然護理署 $14,755,868 7
17 社會福利署 $14,718,479 10
18 Student Financial Assistance Agency $13,252,600 4
19 法律援助署 $12,509,642 12
20 政府化驗所 $10,662,931 10
21 消防處 $10,584,428 7
22 民航處 $9,844,614 6
23 Information Services Department $9,819,794 12
24 海事處 $9,367,183 3
25 屋宇署 $9,273,823 11
26 律政司 $8,796,540 8
27 效率促進辦公室 $8,538,587 18
28 环境保护署 $8,186,681 10
29 Official Receiver's Office $7,816,824 5
30 房屋署 $7,107,253 5
31 差饷物业估价署 $6,503,371 9
32 政府物流服務署 $6,050,064 6
33 Inland Revenue Department $5,900,627 3
34 Hong Kong Observatory $5,778,023 5
35 劳工处 $5,179,908 14
36 库务署 $4,997,989 9
37 水务署 $4,877,221 5
38 香港電台 $4,237,182 6
39 Government Property Agency $4,002,154 4
40 公司註冊處 $3,786,494 3
41 政務司司長辦公室 $3,773,396 3
42 机电工程署 $3,771,923 5
43 Civil Aid Service $3,605,829 7
44 规划署 $3,448,794 3
45 Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service $3,254,998 4
46 土地註冊處 $3,236,858 5
47 University Grants Committee Secretariat $3,080,332 4
48 食物環境衞生署 $2,349,530 8
49 Architectural Services Department $2,170,130 9
50 Labour and Welfare Bureau $2,049,300 2
51 Office of the Commissioner of Insurance $2,048,030 5
52 創新科技署 $1,858,734 9
53 民政事務總署 $1,672,140 5
54 民政事务局 $1,667,822 3
55 入境事務處 $1,660,036 4
56 發展局 $1,654,984 7
57 商務及經濟發展局 $1,600,786 5
58 選舉事務處 $1,477,137 5
59 行政長官辦公室 $1,258,517 6
60 Trade and Industry Department $1,140,937 6
61 政府飞行服务队 $1,081,463 6
62 食物及卫生局 $1,017,500 2
63 Independent Police Complaints Council $821,524 5
64 Transport and Housing Bureau $810,264 2
65 郵政署 $792,300 4
66 Audit Commission $626,921 3
67 Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau $578,710 3
68 知識產權署 $548,000 1
69 Office of the Communications Authority $529,971 2
70 Auxiliary Medical Service $408,175 5
71 投資推廣署 $399,900 1
72 Security Bureau $380,990 2
73 Public Service Commission $169,650 1
74 Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau $132,000 1
75 Government Records Service $99,520 1


部門: 路政署
USD $186,120 (金額排名: 37)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD $717,120 (金額排名: 1)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
部門: 路政署
HKD $685,440 (金額排名: 28)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
部門: 教育局
HKD $8,864,630 (金額排名: 1)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
部門: 路政署
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD $1,285,200 (金額排名: 1)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
部門: 地政总署
USD $598,205 (金額排名: 11)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
部門: 路政署
HKD $1,022,112 (金額排名: 12)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
承辦商: Arcotect Limited
HKD $1,245,000 (金額排名: 4)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
部門: 民航處
USD $85,800 (金額排名: 60)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01