SOA-QPS5  |   SOA-QPS4  |   SOA-QPS3  |   SOA-QPS2  |   SOA-QPS  |   ITPSA


總合約金額: $158,325,819
1 Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited $56,926,647 30
2 Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited $43,380,813 23
3 Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited $19,172,297 15
4 Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited $15,826,064 8
5 Azeus Systems Limited $12,481,560 3
6 NCSI (HK) Limited $10,538,438 3
1 地政總署 $25,788,155 7
2 政府資訊科技總監辦公室 $15,492,616 6
3 香港海關 $10,198,538 3
4 路政署 $9,647,095 7
5 教育局 $9,267,130 2
6 衞生署 $9,201,480 4
7 康樂及文化事務署 $8,872,367 3
8 土木工程拓展署 $8,090,200 5
9 漁農自然護理署 $7,126,891 2
10 學生資助事務處 $6,617,520 1
11 運輸署 $5,958,124 4
12 民航處 $4,054,752 4
13 水務署 $3,839,160 2
14 政務司司長辦公室 $3,613,896 1
15 環境保護署 $3,552,000 1
16 政府產業署 $3,193,726 2
17 渠務署 $3,073,570 2
18 香港警務處 $2,807,248 5
19 廉政公署 $2,603,498 1
20 公務員事務局 $2,600,000 1
21 破產管理署 $2,063,318 1
22 庫務署 $1,924,380 1
23 勞工及福利局 $1,853,280 1
24 大學教育資助委員會秘書處 $1,368,432 1
25 法律援助署 $1,306,694 3
26 屋宇署 $952,800 1
27 保險業監理處 $786,396 1
28 政府飛行服務隊 $703,088 3
29 政府物流服務署 $671,112 1
30 政府新聞處 $537,020 2
31 創新科技署 $310,284 1
32 民眾安全服務處 $138,996 1
33 獨立監察警方處理投訴委員會 $74,116 1
34 醫療輔助隊 $37,939 1
System Maintenance and Support of WebSAMS forthe Education Bureau
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$8,864,630 (Rank #1)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
System Maintenance and Support for the CustomsControl System of Customs & Excise Department
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$8,500,400 (Rank #2)
批出合約日期: 2007-09-01
Provision of System Maintenance and Support Services to the Computer Systems in StudentFinancial Assistance Agency (SFAA)
承辦商: Azeus Systems Limited
USD$848,400 (Rank #3)
批出合約日期: 2006-09-01
Network Support Services for the Central Internet Services of the Office of the Government ChiefInformation Officer (OGCIO)
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$846,200 (Rank #4)
批出合約日期: 2007-04-01
System Maintenance and Support of the Back End System of the Electronic Service Delivery Scheme for the Office of the Government Chief InformationOfficer
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$802,752 (Rank #5)
批出合約日期: 2006-04-01
Support Services for PC Helpdesk and LCSHQData Centre for Leisure and Cultural Services Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$738,816 (Rank #6)
批出合約日期: 2007-11-01
System Maintenance and Support Services for Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD)
承辦商: Azeus Systems Limited
USD$666,600 (Rank #7)
批出合約日期: 2006-10-01
Network Support Services for the LandsDepartment
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$630,761 (Rank #8)
批出合約日期: 2008-10-01
GOA Support Services for the Department ofHealth
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$629,760 (Rank #9)
批出合約日期: 2007-07-01
Network Support Services for the LandsDepartment
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$611,333 (Rank #10)
批出合約日期: 2007-04-01
System Maintenance and Support for SMRIS, IA-SMRIS and IN-SMRIS
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$598,205 (Rank #11)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Slope Maintenance Responsibility Information System (SMRIS), Internet and Intranet Access - Slope Maintenance Responsibility Information System(IA-SMRIS & IN-SMRIS) Lands Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$518,382 (Rank #12)
批出合約日期: 2006-08-01
System and Network Support Services for Government Secretariat Bureaux/Offices
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
HKD$3,613,896 (Rank #13)
批出合約日期: 2008-11-01
Resident Helpdesk Support for Environment Bureau and Environmental Protection Department (EPD)
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$3,552,000 (Rank #14)
批出合約日期: 2008-11-01
Application Maintenance and Network Support Services for the Office Automation System in theSurvey and Mapping Office of Lands Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$423,912 (Rank #15)
批出合約日期: 2008-08-01
Resident Support Services for the Water SuppliesDepartment
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$337,920 (Rank #16)
批出合約日期: 2008-05-01
System Maintenance and Support for the Active Medicines Information and Control System (AMICS), Pharmaceuticals Registration and Licensing System (PRLS), Pharmaceuticals Import and Export Regulatory System (PIERS) and e- Pharmaceutical Service (e-PS) With 'On-line Licensing Functions' Pharmaceutical Service of Department of Health
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$2,630,400 (Rank #17)
批出合約日期: 2007-08-01
Network Support Services for the OfficeAutomation System of Transport Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$334,656 (Rank #18)
批出合約日期: 2008-01-01
Network Support Services for the OfficeAutomation System in the Survey and Mapping Office of Lands Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$334,412 (Rank #19)
批出合約日期: 2006-08-01
Network Support and Maintenance Service of ETIS and Non-OPS Networks of the IndependentCommission Against Corruption (ICAC)
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$2,603,498 (Rank #20)
批出合約日期: 2008-11-01
System Maintenance and Support of the Electronic Leave Application and Processing System (eLAPS)for the Civil Service Bureau
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$2,600,000 (Rank #21)
批出合約日期: 2007-03-01
Call Centre Helpdesk Services for the Leisure Linke-Services System for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$316,632 (Rank #22)
批出合約日期: 2007-11-01
System Maintenance and Support (2007) of the Laboratory Information Management System for the Civil Engineering and Development Department
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$2,148,040 (Rank #23)
批出合約日期: 2007-09-01
System Maintenance and Support of Official Receiver's Management Information System(ORMIS) for the Offical Receiver's Office
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$264,528 (Rank #24)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
Provision of Office Systems and Network Support Services of the Civil Aviation Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$251,640 (Rank #25)
批出合約日期: 2008-10-01
GOA and Network Support Services for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$247,104 (Rank #26)
批出合約日期: 2006-10-01
Office Systems and Network Support Services forthe Treasury Department
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$1,924,380 (Rank #27)
批出合約日期: 2006-09-01
Network and System Support Services for theDrainage Services Department
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$1,919,270 (Rank #28)
批出合約日期: 2007-06-01
Network Support Services for the Civil Engineering and Development Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$239,904 (Rank #29)
批出合約日期: 2009-02-01
System Maintenance and Support of Long Term Care Services Delivery System for the Labour andWelfare Bureau / Social Welfare Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$237,600 (Rank #30)
批出合約日期: 2008-03-01
Network Support Services for the HighwaysDepartment (HyD)
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$212,220 (Rank #31)
批出合約日期: 2006-09-01
Call Centre / Hotline Services for the e-Procurement Pilot Programme for the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
HKD$1,625,902 (Rank #32)
批出合約日期: 2008-01-01
System Maintenance and Support for the HighwaysDepartment
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$208,224 (Rank #33)
批出合約日期: 2007-10-01
Provision of System Maintenance and Support to the Computer Systems in the Government PropertyAgency
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$206,784 (Rank #34)
批出合約日期: 2009-03-01
System Maintenance and Support to the ComputerSystems in the Government Property Agency
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$202,668 (Rank #35)
批出合約日期: 2007-10-01
System Maintenance and Support for the CPMS and Network Support Service for the OAS of the Legal Advisory and Conveyancing Office of LandsDepartment
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$189,168 (Rank #36)
批出合約日期: 2008-03-01
Network Support Services for HighwaysDepartment (HyD)
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$186,120 (Rank #37)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
System Maintenance and Support of the Laboratory Information Management System for the Civil Engineering and Development Department
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$1,440,000 (Rank #38)
批出合約日期: 2006-04-01
System Maintenance and Support (2009) of the Laboratory Information Management System for the Civil Engineering and Development Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$183,696 (Rank #39)
批出合約日期: 2009-04-01
System Maintenance and Support services to the General Research Fund System (GRFS) and the Public Policy Research Fund System (PPRFS) for the University Grants Committee Secretariat (UGC)
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$175,440 (Rank #40)
批出合約日期: 2008-09-01
Network Support Services for the Urban (Kowloon)Regional Office, Highways Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$172,656 (Rank #41)
批出合約日期: 2007-03-01
System Maintenance and Support for the HighwaysDepartment
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$166,752 (Rank #42)
批出合約日期: 2007-10-01
Provision of Office Systems and Network Support Services
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$166,560 (Rank #43)
批出合約日期: 2007-08-01
Network Support Services for the OfficeAutomation System Transport Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$162,360 (Rank #44)
批出合約日期: 2007-01-01
Network Support Services for the Urban (HK)Regional Office, Highways Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$155,232 (Rank #45)
批出合約日期: 2007-02-01
Resident Support Services for the Water SuppliesDepartment
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$154,280 (Rank #46)
批出合約日期: 2006-05-01
Network Support Services for the Civil Engineering and Development Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$153,600 (Rank #47)
批出合約日期: 2007-02-01
System Support Services for the Drainage ServicesDepartment
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$1,154,300 (Rank #48)
批出合約日期: 2007-07-01
Network Support Services for HighwaysDepartment (HyD)
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$135,603 (Rank #49)
批出合約日期: 2006-06-01
Web Content Management System Enhancement, Maintenance and Support Services for the TransportDepartment
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$133,790 (Rank #50)
批出合約日期: 2008-11-01
Support Services for Vehicles And Drivers Licensing Integration Data System (VALID IV) forthe Transport Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$133,056 (Rank #51)
批出合約日期: 2008-11-01
System Maintenance and Support for Cervical Screening Information System (CSIS) Departmentof Health
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$994,392 (Rank #52)
批出合約日期: 2008-12-01
System Maintenance and Support of Building Records e-Search (BReS) for Buildings Department
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$952,800 (Rank #53)
批出合約日期: 2007-12-01
Provision of Workstation Support Services for theCustoms & Excise Department
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$864,162 (Rank #54)
批出合約日期: 2008-03-01
Provision of On-going Technical Support Servicesfor the Computer Forensic Laboratory of C&ED
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
HKD$833,976 (Rank #55)
批出合約日期: 2008-03-01
Office Support Services of Resident Engineer forthe Legal Aid Department (LAD)
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$814,338 (Rank #56)
批出合約日期: 2008-02-01
System Maintenance and Support Services for theInsurance System of Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI)
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$100,820 (Rank #57)
批出合約日期: 2007-08-01
Anti-Virus and Common Terminal Support Services for the Police Information Systems of the HongKong Police Force
承辦商: NCSI (HK) Limited
HKD$679,416 (Rank #58)
批出合約日期: 2007-12-01
Network Support Services for the Government Logistics Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$86,040 (Rank #59)
批出合約日期: 2008-10-01
Provision of Maintenance and Support Services ofCADNET System
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$85,800 (Rank #60)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
System Maintenance and Support for CervicalScreening Information System (CSIS) Department of Health
承辦商: Azeus Systems Limited
USD$85,200 (Rank #61)
批出合約日期: 2007-01-01
System Maintenance and Support Services for Integrated Application System (GFSIAS) forGovernment Flying Service
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$648,000 (Rank #62)
批出合約日期: 2007-07-01
Network Support Services for the Hong Kong Public Libraries for the Leisure and CulturalServices Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$82,035 (Rank #63)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
System Maintenance and Support for NSM Services and Network Support Services for Unix Platformfor the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF)
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$620,690 (Rank #64)
批出合約日期: 2008-11-01
System Maintenance and Support for NSM Servicesand Network Support Services for Unix Platform for the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF)
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$558,910 (Rank #65)
批出合約日期: 2006-11-01
Network Support Services for the Police Data Network of Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF)Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
HKD$528,232 (Rank #66)
批出合約日期: 2008-03-01
Technical Support Services for the GovHK Portal for the OGCIO
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$423,000 (Rank #67)
批出合約日期: 2008-10-01
Network Support Services for the Police DataNetwork of Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) Department
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$420,000 (Rank #68)
批出合約日期: 2007-03-01
Netware Migration Services - Education Bureau
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$402,500 (Rank #69)
批出合約日期: 2007-08-01
Technical Support Services for the One-Stop Access Portal
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$44,973 (Rank #70)
批出合約日期: 2006-07-01
Network Support Services for the Innovation and Technology Commission
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
HKD$310,284 (Rank #71)
批出合約日期: 2007-07-01
Maintenance and Support Services for the OfficeAutomation Systems of the Information Services Department (ISD)
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$289,740 (Rank #72)
批出合約日期: 2007-09-01
Maintenance and Support Services for the Office Automation Systems of the Information ServicesDepartment (ISD)
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$247,280 (Rank #73)
批出合約日期: 2006-09-01
Office Systems and Network Support Services forthe Legal Aid Department (LAD)
承辦商: Automated Systems(H.K.) Limited
HKD$246,714 (Rank #74)
批出合約日期: 2007-03-01
Office System and Network Support Services forthe Legal Aid Department
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$31,493 (Rank #75)
批出合約日期: 2006-03-01
Technical Support Services for the One-stop Portal (OSP) for the Office of the Government ChiefInformation Officer (OGCIO)
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$29,628 (Rank #76)
批出合約日期: 2008-01-01
Network Support Services for the Civil Aid Service
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$17,820 (Rank #77)
批出合約日期: 2006-10-01
Provision of Technical Service for Data Captureand Coversion for Pilot Performance Analysis and Reporting Database System
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$15,840 (Rank #78)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
System Maintenance and Support of the Local Area Network (LAN), Office Automation System (OAS), Confidential Mail System (CMS), Departmental Portal Programme (DPP) and e-Leave of the Independent Police Complaints Council Secretariat
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$9,502 (Rank #79)
批出合約日期: 2006-03-01
System Maintenance and Support Network and Office Automation Systems of the AuxiliaryMedical Service
承辦商: Automated Systems (H.K.) Limited
HKD$37,939 (Rank #80)
批出合約日期: 2006-10-01
System Maintenance and Support for Network and Office Automation System of Government FlyingService
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HK SAR Limited
USD$4,403 (Rank #81)
批出合約日期: 2007-02-01
Provision of System Upgrade Service for the E-Leave System of the Government Flying Service
承辦商: Hewlett-Packard HKSAR Limited
USD$2,660 (Rank #82)
批出合約日期: 2006-08-01


HKD $8,864,630 (金額排名: 1)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
USD $85,800 (金額排名: 60)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
USD $15,840 (金額排名: 78)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
USD $186,120 (金額排名: 37)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
USD $264,528 (金額排名: 24)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
USD $598,205 (金額排名: 11)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
USD $82,035 (金額排名: 63)
批出合約日期: 2009-06-01
USD $206,784 (金額排名: 34)
批出合約日期: 2009-03-01
USD $239,904 (金額排名: 29)
批出合約日期: 2009-02-01
HKD $994,392 (金額排名: 52)
批出合約日期: 2008-12-01
HKD $3,613,896 (金額排名: 13)
批出合約日期: 2008-11-01